Thursday, September 17, 2020

A New Year's poem on the tenth anniversary of my brother's death

Happy new year!
Shana tova,
and sweetness,
so much sweetness!
And sincerest condolences.
Sorry about your brother.
His death came
just as the shofar sounded,
a blast to wake the heavens.
Happy birthday world!
A long note, sonorous.
He opened his eyes
and smiled, a last secret found
finally. And he died,
sweetly surrounded by love
and those last strains of the shofar.
So sorry, such grief.
Shana tova u'metukah!
A sweet and good year,
and condolences.
His memory will be a
blessing this year.
Every year.
Happy new year.
For a year of sweetness
and goodness
and sorrow
and love.

1 comment:

Betsy Fuchs said...

Love and tears. A tribute a love poem and prayer to your brother, may his memory be for a blessing and of course it is. Stacey I send tears and love. Shana Tova dear (but in these Covid times) distant friend.