Monday, August 5, 2019

The Longest Journey: a poem for Tisha B'av

The longest journey
begins with a breath -
   breath being one of the names of God -
and ends in Breath:
   as the name of God is a prayer: amen.

It is played out
on a bridge more narrow than fear
and wider than Heaven,
and gathers together
the battered, embattled rubble
of broken days and history.
It is - as if it ever wasn't - love,
that journey of unknown proportion,
coming not because of,
nor in spite of, but 
a love that is whole
and endless
   and love -
      God, yes!
             in all its infinite
                 and glorious
                       boundlessness -

That is the journey.
That is the breath
That is the name
of God


For Tisha B'av


Morah Marcey said...

I cannot love this poem enough!! With much attribution, I will read it for my congregation this Shabbat!

Stacey Zisook Robinson said...

Thank you, my teacher, my friend. I am so honored! I hope your congregation finds what they need in these words, to grow in loving community <3