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Poet in Residence

Monday, September 14, 2020

This Day: a prayer for parashat nitzavim

You feel like ghosts,
all of you standing here
under the mountain,
shivering like the aspen
in sunlight,
beautiful and fragile.

I could not block out the noise -
God's thunder
God's demand,
but I heard the tender beat
of each heart that passed
and stood 
and trembled there,
and I was calmed.

Even with so many -
the all of us from before
and now
and yet to be,
God stood with us in that
triumvirate of time.

We lift out eyes in praise.
God likes praise,
loves prayer and devotion,
and smoke mixed 
with a little blood.
There was none of that 
on this day,
just ghosts 
and awe,
mixed with a
bit of fear.

We are all here,
together on this day,
we ghosts of now
and then 
and yet to be,
with God's voice
crashing down from the mountain.
resonating up from the ground
this holy ground,
a Voice filled with blessings
and curses,
surrounding us with 
the promise of love.

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