A psalm, a song of beauty and grief.
I have lived a life of fierce joy,
pursued a world of justice;
every breath a hymn to Your name,
every step a prayer.
You have lifted me
and I rejoice.
You have sheltered me
and I am redeemed.
And now I am weary,
my body spent.
I long for Your promise
of sweet grass
and still waters.
My words have all been said,
and my music,
once exultant,
has quieted.
There is great beauty in this silence,
and grief.
And You, God,
You speak,
so that time and worlds
continue to be.
You sing,
and the glory of Your song
urges us all to rise.
This was the beginning.
This will be the ever and always.
This is the eternal now.
Dear Stacey, you still are a model for me of fierce joy but I grieve with you that your body, your health has limited how/when you can share it with us. However, through your poems and prayers you continue to share your joy and beauty and creativity with us. Shanah Tovah dear friend and I am grateful to be blessed by your fierceness and the beauty you provide us through your writing.