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Poet in Residence

Sunday, September 30, 2018

The Blessing of Bounty

The blessing of bounty is a fragile one.

So you reap what was sown,
though the corners are not yours.
Harvest the last of summer's promise,
and live, for a time, only
sheltered by grace.

Look up! Look up!
The lattice-worked heavens
of sun and moon and stars
dapple your harvest
of paper chains and pasta art.

The blessing of bounty is a fragile one.

Harvest the wind, gusty with rain
and the first fruits of cold.
Sit with me for a timeless time,
and feel the earth beneath us.
Let us be sheltered by graceful impermanence.

The blessing of bounty is fragile,
But oh! what a glorious thing!

1 comment:

  1. Most beautiful and it captures sukkot and the fragility of life and of weather. I am sitting with you right now in my imagination dear Stacey. Hag Samaech and love.
